www.asos.com |
Il tema floreale viene riproposto ogni primavera/estate, ma mai come per questa stagione è stata commercializzato; la flower mania è dilagante!
www.asos.com |
Dai più grandi stilisti al fast fashion, la moda impone almeno un accessorio "fiorito": gonne, t-shirts, clutchs, headbangs...Avete l'imbarazzo della scelta!
Cosa ancora più importante:il matching! Questo trend viene proposto accostato alle stampe più improbabili: righe, optical, pied-de-poule!
www.topshop.com |
Scegliete il capo/accessorio che più vi identifica, seguite il trend...ma always Be Unconventional!
Finally after long months of silence we are back! We will start to resume the new trends which presents the SS13 season!
The floral theme is repeated every spring / summer, but never like this season has been marketed, the flower mania is rampant!
By top designers to fast fashion, fashion accessory requires at least a "flowered" one: skirts, t-shirts, clutchs, headbangs ... You will be spoiled for choice!
www.topshop.com |
What's more important: the matching! This trend is proposed to be approached to the most unlikely: stripes, optical, pied-de-poule!
So "be flower", but get jiggy with the combinations to make this trend yours and original!
Choose the dress/accessory that best identifies you, follow the trend ... but always Be Unconventional!
C.& S.
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